Tying up loose ends

Tying up loose ends

Everything you need to do before you tie the knot

ARTICLE BY : Abha Shah


It’s so easy getting caught up in the possibilities when you’re wedding planning. From the dress to the cake to your dream venue, it’s all mapped out in your head before he slides the engagement ring properly onto your finger. But before you fully throw yourself head first into bridal lehenga browsing, hen party scheming and honeymoon brochures, make sure you’ve got these very necessary bits of life admin covered.

Give notice
If you’re getting married in the UK, you’ll must give at least 28 days’ notice to your local register office before the wedding day. Make sure you have your venue details to hand, as well as two forms of ID and a proof of address. If you’re planning a destination wedding, you may still have to give notice in the UK. Check with the overseas authority if you need to bring a ‘Certificate of No Impediment’ in order to marry.

Find a new doc
If you’re planning on moving into a new home, one of the first things that should be at the top of your list is registering with a local GP and dentist. Even if you’re perfectly healthy, it will save you the hassle in the long run. Find reviews of GPs on NHS Choices and find the best surgeries nearest you.

Write a will
Yes it’s a sad topic, but once you’re married you’re a team of two rather than flying solo, so it’s sensible to make arrangements should the worst happen. And while you’re at it, start researching life insurance policies to ensure your other half will be financially safe, whatever the future holds.

Pass on details
A change of address is exciting and new, but you must let your bank and employer know as soon as possible - you wouldn’t want any new credit cards or payslips being sent to your old house! If you’re a serial online shopper, ensure you update your account details so they deliver to your new pad. Other organisations that need to be notified include the Electoral Register, National Insurance office and any subscriptions for newspapers or magazines.

Full disclosure
If you’re getting married, the chances are you probably know everything about each other. But if one of you is a cash sinner rather than a thrifty saint, you need to make sure you tell the other. This matters because if you take out a joint account or mortgage in the future you’ll be financially tied to each other and your debts will become theirs, and vice versa. Discuss any credit card debts, loans and repayments.

Lighten the load
Moving house is the perfect opportunity to take stock of all the stuff you’ve accumulated over the years... and get rid! Clear out your wardrobe, shelves and drawers to assess what you’ve got before making ‘Trash’ and ‘Treasure’ piles to either take to your new home or give away to charity.

Ms to Mrs
The name on your ticket must always match your passport, so if you’re taking a new name after the wedding, make it official after you return from honeymoon. If you want to travel in your new status as Mrs, you can get your passport ‘post-dated’ with your future surname up to three months before the Big Day. But be warned, this means you can’t use it until after the ceremony.

Name changer
While we’re on the subject of changing names, you don’t have to take your new husband’s family name when you marry. While it’s traditional, many grooms now take their wife’s name instead, or choose to link them together to form a double-barrel. If you’re thinking of going down that route, visit the Legal Deed Poll Service’s website for more details on changing your first and last names.

Policy updates
Some car insurers are known to lower their monthly premiums for married couples due to the belief they are more sensible than singletons on the road. You could lower your payments by letting them know about your impending marital status. Likewise, let health insurers know while some gyms may offer a better membership deal if they know you’re engaged.

Unpack flatpack
No one wants to come back from honeymoon to an empty, furniture-free house, so enlist trusted family and friends to take delivery of (and hopefully construct!) your essentials before you get home. Also schedule a supermarket home delivery on your return to ensure you have everything you need.

Tags : Wedding  Marriage  Certificate  Policy  Moving House 
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