If speculations are to be believed, April 2022 is the month for the biggest Bollywood wedding we've been waiting for. Yes, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are supposedly set to tie the knot later this month. These B-town sweethearts have been hush-hush about their relationship until last year, and with that fans have all been waiting for their big day. The duo who had been working hard to complete the shooting for their upcoming film ‘Brahmastra’, and after recently wrapping up the shooting schedule, it seems like wedding bells are in full swing for these two.
Last year, the couple was often spotted at the construction site of their new home, with Neetu Kapoor making headlines with hints to the paparazzi. The two have been dating for quite a few years now, and we can safely say it's time for the nuptials. As per sources, Ranbir and Alia will get married in a private wedding ceremony with close friends and family in attendance, in Kapoor family’s ancestral home, RK House in Chembur, Mumbai. While speculations earlier suggested their wedding would be in Udaipur, Rajasthan, it seems like now the preferred venue is their home in Mumbai.
According to a source, “Both the families have decided the wedding will happen around the second week of April. This decision was taken given Ranbir and Alia’s impending work commitments and also a date that was picked by the family.” As for what we know, the dates being speculated are around the second week of April and all we can do is wait to see the truth unfold.
After Alia Bhatt's roaring success in ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ and ‘RRR’, she will be seen in ‘Brahmastra’ with her boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor. This will also be the first time the duo will be sharing the screen. The film is scheduled for release on September 9, 2022.