If you've ever attended an Indian wedding, you know how much importance is given to the hue of bridal henna. There are many beliefs associated with the colour of bridal mehndi, and while some believe them, others don't. But regardless of the camp you fall into, it's all part and parcel of the wedding festivities and fun.
The pressure for bridal henna to be darker can be stressful for some. It is believed that the darker your henna the more your mother-in-law will love you, others believe that the bride’s mehndi colour is a direct reflection of her husband’s love for her. Whether you believed them or not, there’s something about a dark brown hue of bridal henna. So, actions would need to be taken to work towards it. Here are a few quick and easy tips to make your henna darker.
Wash your hands and feet well before applying henna
It is believed that when your hands and feet are well-cleaned before applying the henna, the colour is dark. By eliminating any possible layers on your skin (including creams), the mehndi will be completely absorbed and you will naturally get a darker shade.
Leave the mehndi on for longer
They say the longer you leave the henna on, the darker the mehndi will be. Let your dry mehndi fall off naturally. Invest the hours and keep the mehndi on your palms as long as you can, preferably overnight, if possible.
Clove Smoking
Smoke from heated cloves is said to help darken mehndi. Place some cloves in a pan and turn on the stove, once hot enough let the smoke from the cloves come in contact with your mehndi. Do this for as long as you can.
Don't wash your hands for 24 hours
While it seems unimaginable in times of COVID-19, exposing your hands to water and soap before 24 hours is known to hinder the colour of your henna. Water will wash away the top layer of the mehndi and not allow the colour to really penetrate deep within your skin. A great alternative is to use disposable gloves for the duration.
Keep your hands warm
Indulge in hot fermentation like drying the henna with a hair dryer. Before sleeping you can also use Vicks VapoRub so that the colour intensifies with its heat overnight.
Nimbu Cheeni
The traditional nimbu-cheeni (lemon + sugar) paste goes a long way. All you need to do is squeeze some lemon juice and mix it with sugar to form a sticky liquid. Using a cotton swab to dab the paste all over your arms and feet so that the dry henna doesn't peel off.
Pro Tip: Stay away from waxing or any beauty treatments once henna is applied and try to ensure your wedding functions are 1-2 days away from the mehndi day to ensure the shade is the darkest.
To Book:
Jaya Mehdni Artist
Instagram: @Jaya_Mehndi_Artist
Email: JayaMehndiArtist@gmail.com
Call: +44(0)7931 911459
To Book:
Manraj Henna
Instagram: @Manraj_Henna
Email: ManrajTawana@hotmail.com
To Book:
Rang the colour of love
Instagram: @Rang.The.Colour.Of.Love
Email: RangTcl@hotmail.com
Call: +44(0)7040 965038
To Book:
KV Mendhi
Instagram: @KvMendhi
Email: Info@KvMendhi.com
Call: +44(0)7791 262983