Get your fill

Get your fill

Dr Sabba reveals everything you need to know about dermal fillers

ARTICLE BY : Abha Shah


Contouring, once the secret of top make-up artists has now been embraced by all. If you don’t want the creams and highlighters to wash off at the end of your Big Day consider dermal fillers. In the right hands , they can make every day from your engagement to the honeymoon and beyond, a ‘woke up like this’ day.

Curious? Read on:

Sharper cheekbones
Ageing and weight loss can cause cheeks to flatten, leading to a gaunt appearance, but small injections of dermal filler can define the area. The result? Higher cheekbones that give a more chiselled appearance.

Less lines
If laughter lines are bothering you, I can treat them with an injection along the fold to erase shadowing. Another option is having cheek filler, which will lift shadowing from above, and improve nose-to-mouth lines indirectly.

Banish dark circles
The tear trough develops due to changes in the fat pad under the skin. It can leave you looking tired and make dark circles more prominent. Small amounts of hyaluronic-acid dermal filler can lift the area, resulting in a refreshed look.

Fuller lips
Lip fillers increase volume, but they also create definition along the lip line. The first thing I’ll check are the existing proportions against the ‘Golden Ratio’, an equation found in nature and art that’s considered the most aesthetically pleasing.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty
If you’ve always felt self-conscious about your nose, but think surgery is a step too far, fillers could be the solution. Common issues are bumps, hooks or a wide or drooping nasal tip, which can be solved with small volumes of dermal filler. Non-surgical rhinoplasty can give long-lasting results without the expense or downtime of surgery.

A (filler) formula for success
The filler I use depends on the treatment area. Thinner formulas conform better to underlying tissues, found on lips and under-eye, while a thicker consistency can better hold its shape, making it perfect for cheekbone or jaw areas. Always have a thorough consultation before booking treatment.

The Filler Checklist
DO: Check your practitioner’s credentials as these are medical procedures as well as beauty treatments. Never take risks when it comes to facial injectable treatments.

DON'T: Rush into a decision. It’s usually obvious when someone is putting their profits over your needs. If you feel you’re getting the hard sell and alarm bells start ringing, simply end the consultation.

DO: Ensure you get a full and detailed consultation. Your practitioner should spend time understanding exactly what you want. They should also fully address any concerns or questions you may have.

DON'T: Be tempted by special offers, discounts or promotions. If the offer sounds too good to be true, it most often is! Ensure you have only the highest quality and FDA-approved dermal fillers.

DO: Plan ahead, especially when you’re considering fillers for an event as important as your Big Day.

Dr Sabba Janjua
• info@drsabba.co.uk
• Instagram: @drsabba
• +44(0) 2036 334 908

As seen in Khush Wedding Spring 2018 KW18. Buy this issue here

Tags : Bridal  Beauty  Treatments  Aesthetics  Fillers  Wedding  Big Day 
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